How To Build A Badass Female Instagram Business

How To Build A Badass Female Instagram Business

Many women business owners are catching on to the fact that Instagram isn’t just a social media platform to post photos of food or selfies.  Instagram has over 400 million active users, with over 60% that log in daily!  That’s a serious audience to work with!  

Maximize your business by taking this photo application to its maximum potential and making your tool that takes your business to the next level.

Research Other Business Accounts

The first step is having a look around and deciding what kind of account you admire.  What businesses are succeeding in your field? Identify what their photos look like and how they caption their images.

Take note of any trends and what your potential clients are responding to. A restaurant might post lots of passionate #foodporn posts for example. A Troubled Teen Clinic is likely to post inspirational quotes and stories.  A plastic surgeon is likely to post a lot of before and after images or #transformationtuesdays.

It’s all about soaking up what you see other successful businesses doing, and mimic their successful method.

Use Hashtags

Hashtags are a way for your account to become discoverable to potential customers.  By using relevant hashtags, you are essentially saying “Hey! Come check this out!”

When first starting out your account, use the maximum amount of hashtags allowed in the first comment of your image, not in the caption.  By inserting too many hashtags into the caption, you risk making your account look cluttered.  

Try creating a hashtag that’s never been used before and applies to your brand.  For example,  if you are having a one day sale at your clothing store, make the hashtag relevant to your store name and sale title.

Follow Other Users

One of the best ways to grow an audience on your Instagram account is to follow other users and interact with them.  Like as much as you can, and comment on people’s posts.  

Go searching for potential followers through hashtags that are relevant to your brand.  Follow them, and follow who they follow.  It’s like a chain reaction.  Before you know it you’ll be well installed into the Instagram community surrounding your specific niche.  

Post Relevant Content

If your account is a business account for a clothing store, then you’re probably posting a lot of clothing items.  That should stay consistent.  Your followers come to your page for what your services offer. Don’t post a photo of a puppy one day.  

If you absolutely have to post a photo of a puppy, then consider opening up a personal account for yourself and post the puppy there.  Keep your business account content relevant to your field.


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