How To Go Green In The Office

How To Go Green In The Office



Global warming and climate change are driving business agendas all over the world. Every business on the planet is searching for new ways to ‘go green’, before it’s too late. Though some might argue that we are already late in taking this initiative, but it is better late than never!

Not just businesses but even energy producers are trying to bring cleaner and greener alternatives in the form of Solar, Geothermal, Uranium Energy, and a lot more to allow users to choose from these various options, according to their needs and budgets. This will ensure that even those without deep pockets can make a difference in reducing the impacts of climate change.

Well, this blog is also on something similar. We’ll show you some simple and easy tricks to operating a more eco-friendly business. The best news is that these tricks will also save you money and increase productivity. Save the planet and save money. What more could you want?

Go paperless – Many companies have pledged to reduce paper. Even the Bank of America has set out to lower its paper use. But, rather than just reduce it, set yourself a challenge. See if you can eliminate it entirely. When you start to think about the alternatives, there really is no need to use paper at all. Use cloud services to share and amend documents. Start using digital receipts and make proposals online.

Turn off appliances and lights. – You won’t believe how much energy is drained through unused appliances. Make your employees aware of the issues and make it part of their routine to switch off. All too often computers and lights are left on overnight. Make it part of your operations manager’s job to instil this routine and check at the end of every day.

Choose the right office – The office building itself has a huge effect on your energy consumption. Modern, well insulated buildings are much more eco-friendly and cheaper to run. Some Manchester offices are specifically designed with green features in mind. There are now offices around the world that produce their own energy. In some cases they make more than they need and sell the surplus.

Flexible working – When all of your employees are on site five days a week, it puts a strain on your energy. They consume more electricity, require more heating and air conditioning. On top of that, they are also contributing to pollution through commuting and transport. Seek alternatives like telecommuting and allow employees to work from home occasionally. They’ll love the freedom and trust. And you’ll benefit by saving money and helping the environment. Win-win!

Maximise natural light – Try to make the most of the sunlight in your office. Open the blinds wide and make use of skylights if you have them. This means you can turn off those ugly strip lights and save money and energy. Studies have also shown that natural light increases the happiness and productivity of workers.

Encourage recycling – Finally, as a business, you can find yourself producing a lot of rubbish. Most of it can be recycled or reused. Set up a recycling area for the office and make it part of your employee’s routine.

Going green is an amazing way to help you cut back on office overheads. You’ll also do your part to save the planet and boost the productivity of your employees. There really is no downside to going green!



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