Many businesses send a lot of mail and can spend large amounts of money on postage. It can also be a very time consuming task, especially when you have to deliver items to the post office all the time. If you think you’re wasting too much time and money on sending things through the mail, there are ways to solve the problem. Even with the internet, there’s still a great necessity to send things by mail. So if you need to find a more cost-efficient way of doing it, you can try using some of the methods below. They could save you both time and money.
Use a Postage Meter
Do you spend more than $50 each month on postage? If you do, renting a postage meter will help you to make some savings. A USPS postage meter prints your postage directly onto your mail or onto meter tape. They make it more convenient to track your costs, and it looks neat and professional. You won’t have to make repeated trips to the post office, so you’ll be able to save time as well as money. You can choose an option that suits your business, and you then need to arrange to have your mail collected. This method can make sorting and sending your mail much easier.
Buy Supplies Online
Both packaging and postage costs can add up, but you can make them cheaper by adding in bulk. One of the best ways to buy things at cheaper rates is to go shopping online. You can find everything you need, and you don’t have to waste time visiting the post office. You can visit online to order the postage you need. You can even personalize your stamps. You can usually find more options for buying things in bulk online than you will if you go looking around different stores.
Get a Bulk Mailing Permit
Businesses with very high levels of outgoing mail can benefit from obtaining a bulk mailing permit. If your mailed items number in the thousands, you could be given permission to weigh your mail, add postage and sort them yourself. You then get to pay a lower price because you’re cutting out the middle man. You can also get a permit to mail with permit imprint, which requires you to set up an account and pay a small fee. After sorting your mail, you then need to take it to the post office to send.
Cut Back on Postage
Some things have to be sent through the mail, but you’re likely to have things you don’t need to send. Look for ways you can cut back on postage by using other methods of communication. Many things may only require an email or even a phone call. You might be able to scan an important document instead of sending it off. Before putting something in an envelope, ask yourself if it’s really necessary.
Your business postage costs can add up, but you can find ways to save. Explore the options available to decide which ones work for you.