Ideas For Your Vacation Time

Ideas For Your Vacation Time

To be a successful business woman you must put your all into your work. For a business to thrive you must be willing to put in a lot of effort and time to committing to your product. However, a balance is called for. It’s easy to become so wrapped up in the success that we accumulate our vacation time refusing to use it until often it leads to a dip in performance because of exhaustion.


If you have saved up a considerable amount of paid vacation over the years, do yourself a favor and use it! Yes, even you Mrs. Workaholic! Leisure time is actually productive because it means that you are recharging your battery in order to put forth the best version of you at your job.

Take a look at some of these different ways you can utilize your paid vacation time, and decide which one appeals to you most.

Get on an Airplane

Sometimes you just have to jump on a plane and go! The most obvious way to use your vacation time is to go on a vacation! Don’t feel like putting much effort into it? Just get on a website and book a stay at a resort. You can sip cocktails by the pool, catch up on reading, soak up some sun, and regenerate your creative juices.

If you want a more culturally enriching trip, considering going somewhere you’ve never been outside of the country. Explore new lands, eat new foods, and open your mind to new experiences. You could even rent a camper van from somewhere like (×4-camper-van-rental/) and enjoy the freedom of deciding exactly where you want to go and when, while also exploring a stunning country like Iceland. Exploring somewhere new can be extremely inspiring for your work.

Do a Project You’ve Been Wanting To Complete

Are you one of those women that fall into the workaholic category? Then perhaps you would be best suited to use your vacation time for a project that you’ve been putting on the back burner because you haven’t had time.

Here is the perfect chance to remodel your kitchen. Or train for a marathon. Perhaps you’ve been wanting to take an intensive language immersion course. Whatever it is, make this a time to totally focus on something you wouldn’t be able to give your full attention to during normal working hours.


Perhaps you’re feeling drained and lacking in motivation. All those long hours in the office and years of putting in extra hours to meet your goals as finally taken its toll. The idea of booking a trip or completing a project sounds completely overwhelming.

It sounds like you need a dose of what the Italians call “Dolce far Niente.” Otherwise known as, the sweetness of doing nothing.

Sleep in. Watch films. Read books. Eat. Dance. Stare at the ceiling. Meditate. Don’t meditate. Spend time with friends. Walk through the park. Do whatever it is you want to do and rediscover the peace within yourself without having to focus on goals.


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