Control Freak?  Tips For Any Boss Babe Who Micromanages Their Employees

Control Freak? Tips For Any Boss Babe Who Micromanages Their Employees

Running your own business can feel a lot like taking care of your baby and wanting your business the way you want it run.  After all, who knows how to take care of your baby better than you?  Well, successful women can usually be control freaks when it comes to their companies and that may translate into being a bit of a micromanager over their employees.  Wanting your business to run smoothly is one thing, but micromanaging your employees can easily lead to nervous staff who ultimately may resent you for not trusting them to do the job that you hired them to do. Here are a few tips for every boss babe who can’t help but micromanage her employees.

Work On Delegating

Delegate. Delegate. Delegate.  Seriously, the reason why you hired employees was to take some of the responsibilities off of your hands. Not sure how to start letting go and start delegating? Harvey Mackay, contributor for, provides 6 ways to delegate more effectively like stop believing that you are the only one who can do the job and to give good and concise job descriptions while checking on the progress of those jobs along the way.

Focus On The Big Picture

The reason why you are the boss is to focus on all of the big picture ideas for your business and leave all of the more minor tasks to your trusted employees. It is always important to keep in touch with day to day operations in your business, but leave all of the less complex tasks to those you have hired to do them and focus more of your energy on how to get your business to grow and expand and improve overall.


Seriously, you love your business but it is also good to enjoy downtime with yourself and your family too.  Technology is a beautiful thing and you can still enjoy time at home and still take a few minutes to check in at the office or employees via e-mail.  If you feel like you are being bogged down or don’t have enough employees to cover certain aspects of your business like promotion or marketing, you can even hire out companies who will specifically focus on client emails and social media management for businesses likes gyms or spas.

It can be difficult to let go of the reigns on your business, but the truth is that by taking into consideration a few of these tips you will be surprised how quickly you will feel less stressed out overall.  Work on the art of delegating to your employees, focusing on big picture projects and ideas for your business, as well as taking a little time to relax and embracing downtime once in awhile, and you will find your employees morale going up as your stress levels go down.


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