Starting your own business can be an exciting and self-satisfying accomplishment for a woman. A moment of feeling as if we have truly succeeded, having done one of the most adult-like deeds that exist.
However, the feelings that can follow after starting your first business can be those of failure if your business simply isn’t taking off.
Being self-starter isn’t just about starting the business, but also knowing the ins and outs of how to attract customers and keep them.
Follow these marketing tips, and watch your business blossom in ways it hadn’t before.
Get a Web Designer
Many business owners want to lower costs by cutting corners in web design. With so many DIY website platforms on the market, it’s no surprise that people would opt for this low-cost route.
However, attempting to save money by utilizing amateurish website-building tools or templates often backfires, resulting in an unprofessional online presence that fails to inspire confidence in potential customers. A poorly designed website that appears outdated and lacks functionality can be detrimental to a business’s credibility. Investing in professional web design services, such as those offered by Blue Collar Websites ( and other reputable website builders can not only ensure that a business’s website exudes professionalism and user-friendliness but also potentially help it stand out from competitors, making it a valuable asset for capturing and retaining customers.
Start a Social Media Page
Social media is a great tool for anyone who owns a business. Marketing gurus will tell you that no matter what kind of business it is, you should start an Instagram and Facebook.
In this modern era of social media taking over a large portion of people’s day, having a presence there will increase your visibility tenfold.
Instead of having a page that strictly advertises, consider making it more relatable. Also, instead of simply using the major social media platforms like Facebook, you might want to search for ones that do not get such limelight as well. There can be many pros and cons to walled garden advertising, as related blogs from Epsilon and other similar agencies might tell you. And it might be best to take up an approach that might connect with your target audience instead of just pushing a product or service down their throat. Post funny photos relevant to your content. If you are a pet groomer, post a funny cat or dog video linking to your services. People respond to relatable and friendly content rather than cut and dry marketing.
Invest In Merchandise
Consider investing in merchandise that you can give to friends and family members. People retain what they see, which is why the most popular brands out there are the ones that are marketed everywhere you look.
Coffee cups, t-shirts, magnets, and pens are some low-cost ideas that will be of use to people and are used and displayed in social situations thus generating more attention towards you .
Always Carry Business Cards
Part of being a successful business owner is being prepared to pitch your services whenever an opportunity arises. If someone mentions they have bad credit, and you happen to run a credit repair service, hand them a business card. If someone mentions they’ve been looking for someone to handle their tenants and you are a property manager, pull out a card.
While the internet is a fantastic marketing tool, there is something to be said for having a tangible piece of information to put in someone’s hand that they can hold, put in their pocket, or display on their fridge. In an age where digital content is ubiquitous and often fleeting, a physical item like a brochure, business card, or flyer can leave a lasting impression. It provides a sensory experience that digital media cannot replicate, engaging touch and sight in a way that feels personal and memorable. Moreover, tangible materials can serve as constant reminders of your brand or message, subtly reinforcing your presence every time someone glances at them. Whether it’s a beautifully designed postcard or an eye-catching flyer, these physical items can become conversation starters, extending your reach through word of mouth.