For many business owners, a tricky part of their job description is the actual hiring and managing of employees. Short of someone being an amazing judge of character, you never really know what you’re going to get when hiring.
A person can have amazing charisma and credentials, and they could have graduated top of their class, but you need to know if a person is going to be the right fit for your company. You also you need to know if they walk the walk as well as they talk the talk.
Hire Right the First Time
Many times this is easier said than done. As mentioned above, a person might have knocked it out of the park in their interview, but it doesn’t mean that they’re entirely capable or truthful. When hiring it’s important to use varied resources to make your decision. Conducting a background check, a criminal records check, a social media check, and other vetting processes would help you better assess if the candidate is trustworthy, dedicated, and the right person for the job.
Additionally, it’s wise to have several people be a part of the hiring process. Make sure that they are people that you trust, but also make sure that their opinions differ a little bit from yours. It’s a bad idea to only place yourself around people who think like you. You’ll immediately put your company in a small box that is always facing the same problems because of a lack of different viewpoints. For other opinions on how to hire right the first time, do a little more research.
Make Your Best Employees the Example
It’s important for you as an employer to be very observant with your employees. There is a fine balance between observant and overbearing, but this is your company and it needs to be run right. When you see employees doing things right or experiencing high sales numbers on a constant basis, find ways to make them the example by which you train your other employees.
You might not know what it is they’re doing, but there are ways to find out that will greatly improve the way your business operates.
Always Improve With Your Company
Many times when a company is facing problems like high turnover, it’s to do with management and how the employees are being treated on the floor. You as the owner or manager can be a very nice person, but if you don’t have the right skills and resources to direct your employees, you won’t have as great success in the long run as you would otherwise.
If you have an open and humble attitude towards change and understand that you’re learning as much about the business process as your employees, it will translate to everyone involved in the company. Always seek to connect with and understand your employees, and attempt to manage them in ways that are encouraging and help them to grow.
A company is it’s employees, and employees directly reflect on the business owner or manager. Follow these tips on on how to better manage yourself and your employees and your business should have a long and prosperous life.